It’s been a while eh? Two years.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been difficult for so many. Usually I’m busy in my workspace with (Precious Plastic Ciledug)[], people ordering stuff, people asking for workshops…but when COVID-19 hit, there was silence.

Quite frequently, people would ask to come visit my workspace. They’d come, learn some things about plastic, then be on their way. During the pandemic, I’ve had my workspace closed to outsiders or just really really picky with who I allow to come visit.

Now, I’m opening things back up. Vaccination rates are much higher, new cases have dropped significantly, and I think Indonesia is finally on the right track for squashing this bug, but it’s still going to take some time.

Currently I have a workshop coming up in about a week, I have some other events planned, and pop up markets are happening again!? I’ve been wanting to join these marketplaces but they’ve all been closed for so long. Well, let’s see what happens.